Happy Family Day! - We’ll be closed Monday to enjoy time with our families.

2020 Winners Announced

Contests Posted November 01, 2020

Grand Prize - $1000 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Zoran & Maggie Mitrovski

This "she shed" featured many products from Bryan's - Check out the pictures below

Runner Up - $500 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Rob & Connie Hofsink

This conversion of an old van body into an attractive shed used a variety of lumber from Bryan's

Honourable Mention - $250 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Kenny & Jackie Hill

This project included cedar tongue & groove and pressure treated decking from Bryan's

Honourable Mention - $250 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Jesse Kingscote

This project included pressure treated lumber, pine siding, and door from Bryan's

Consolation Prize - $100 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Rudy Bruckner

This dock in Magnetawan includes pressure treated lumber, steel, epoxy, and anchor bolts from Bryan's

Consolation Prize - $100 Bryan's Gift Certificate - Robin Wenzoski

This entry took a trailerload of lumber from Bryan's and completed a livestock shelter, a shed, and an interior ceiling!

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